Thursday, January 08, 2009

Happy New Year!

We were blessed with a fabulous finish to 2008! Rod and Darlene, Pops and Grami, came for a two week visit and therefore spend Christmas and New Years with us! We had a wonderful time and the kids were very spoiled and happy to have them here for such a special visit.

2008 started with the blessed birth of Frankie ¨Malakai¨Forbess. He has been a wonderful addition to our family and we are very thankful for him.

Jubilee has had a very busy year as well. She started pre-school in February and had a wonderful year with her teacher Ms. Gabby. She made many friends and learned a lot about what it means to go to school. She is a terrific big sister! We couldn´t have asked for a better reaction to her little brother. She will be starting at a new school with Ms. Anita as her teacher and she is very excited about going to the same school as Michaela Marcum!

Jeff started a masters program on line and has been challenged both academically and physically with the requirments and demands of balancing the program, ministry and family.

Jeff and I are excited about the possibilities of this New Year and thr blessings that it will not only bring to us but hopefully the opportunities for us to be blessings to others.

Love to all!

The Forbess Family